MIDJ Italia

Midj bei Boschung Meubles

Neu im Sortiment in unserem Show Room und auf unserem Webshop, die stylische italienische Marke Midj Italia. Preis-Leistung top, bestechendes Design und top Verarbeitung. Lassen Sie sich verführen von den handgemachten Möbelstücken aus italien.

Midj Italia

Italy does not just define a place of production, but goes beyond: for us, it indicates a way of thinking and living, that we embraced in designing and innovating the idea of furniture since 1987. Not just Made in Italy, but a perfect synergy between hand - craft modeling, creativity and technology, that makes our working method the added value in each product.

Italian know-how 

If industrial capacity and advanced technology are our strength, the know-how skill is our soul, what really sets us apart. The know-how is the heart of our company: thanks to it all our projects take vitality and outburst, from a handcrafted vocation that is continuously cultivated and perfected. 

Soft Design, More Comfort

Our production’s DNA also lies in the confidence in the future. We design for people who want to live, who wants to build real spaces, bright and full of joy. Our soft design accomodates with flowing lines, rounded corners and soft furnishing conceived for moments of happiness and comfort. In our collections we constantely search versatility and the chance to find a complete solution both for public and private spaces. We look for all possible solutions to solve your furniture project. Each Midj’s collection is shaped with brand new materials and colours, that are always tested.

Wir haben die stylische italienische Marke MIDJ in unser Sortiment integriert. Minimalisitsches Design, sehr gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis!

Die Marke Midj besticht! Sie produziert Tische, Stühle und Barhocker die sich durch Ihre Originalität und Qualität vom Rest abheben. Der italienische Familienbetrieb bringt immer wieder verblüffende und innovative Produkte auf den Markt.

Quelques idées